
Stress Management and Hypnotherapy

Here is an easy and fast way for you to reduce stress and calm your nervous system down.

Stress Management

What is stress?

The word is used to describe a multitude of feelings and symptoms. It is caused by events within and outside of a person. Stress is not just psychological; it is also physiological. When you are under a lot of stress, your body is put under strain which can cause real damage to the body and mind. Sleepless nights, continuous tiredness can make your resilience worse. As a result, irritation, frustration and impatience can occur.

There is short term as well as long term stress. Short term stress is neutralised once the problem had been solved or unloaded. The latter stays with the person for a longer period of time. It is built by many smaller issues the person has. As a result, many different events can trigger it, causing long term health issues.

What can cause it?

Reasons behind stress are different for every person. One situation or event can be stressful for one but not the other. We are all different and unique, therefore it cannot possibly be generalised. Identifying the real cause, which is the trigger, can help enormously.

Who can have it?

Stress can occur in any person’s life once or many times over the years.

Is it measurable?

Yes, it certainly is measurable as it effects the body too. It can be easily identified by physical symptoms, but only by listening can you identify the psychological symptoms. There are many physical problems, aches and pains which are caused by stress.

What can be done about it?

By coming to see me, I am able to help you to break down your daily routine with you. I teach you some breathing exercises as well as do some hypnosis to make sure you really learn how to relax.

If you are ready to take control of your life and live in harmony and balance, contact me for an appointment.

Contact me to find out how I can help you or to book an appointment:

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