Certified Kinetic Shift Practitioner Training - UK
Kinetic Shift, a very powerful, fast and content free technique to change negative emotions and feelings in the body.

Hypnosis demonstration
In this video you can see me in action. I demonstrate hypnosis, where we release negative emotions, and boost motivation to get things done.

FREE webinar: Freedom from Emotional Pain
This is my free webinar where I share my knowledge, explain how the mind works, teach techniques to release negative emotions, and where you can experience hypnosis online.

Visualisation – Seeing Yourself at Your Best
I would like to introduce you to something that you do naturally, but perhaps not utilising it and use it to your own advantages. Visualisation. The pictures, the movies you have and see in your mind.

7 Tips To Raise Your Energy
I think we all go through phases when we just don’t feel alive enough to do anything. In this article I share with you a few ways you can raise your energy.

Self-Talk (Video)
Here I show you the power of your thoughts and words that you speak.

I Am Worth It! – 5 Steps to Boost Your Self-Worth
It’s mental health awareness week and for that I’d like to mention self-worth. Whether you believe you are worth it or not.

I am not my body. I have a body.
Let me tell you a story about a girl. A kind hearted, hot-headed funny girl. She was popular, liked by many, but envied, therefore resisted by some. She was very confident or at least that’s what everyone thought.

How to take responsibility (Video)
A video of how to own and control your emotions.

How to tap away your anxiety (Video)
A great way to release negative emotions and feel good in minutes.

Mindfulness (Video)
In this video you can learn how to breathe in a way that your nervous system will calm down.

NLP – The way I see it
This is my story on how NLP changed my life, how I use it in my everyday life and how it influences others with its power.